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Cloud Services

Microsoft Azure provides building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed Data Centres. It provides SaaS, PaaS, IaaS models and supports different languages, tools, and frameworks.
Innovativebiz provides cloud-based services to our clients with minimalistic efforts and better holding services for clients to utilize the maximum potential of the cloud-based service. The two Cloud-based services IBS uses is Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

Amazon Web Services is an on-demand cloud computing platform for clients seeking access to a cluster of computers accessible through the internet. The clients can even choose the operating system and configuration to work on. The extensive scalability is the reason for its success with the pay to use for the model as the cherry on the top.
Information Technology is nowadays running on a pool that allows access to shared resources and high-level services combined to deliver excellent results in minimal Time, Energy, and Management inputs with the existing internet infrastructure. The paradigm of this pool is Cloud Computing.
The ease of use, better accessibility, easier updations, reduced maintenance, enhanced manageability, faster optimization and pay to use model is the reason for its tremendous success and worldwide application.